Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We are the champions. we are the champion... The Focus that is!

Please hum Queen’s song “We Are The Champions” to yourself while you read this:
    It’s one thing when your neighbors decide they like your Ford Focus from Ricart Ford, and go out and get one for themselves. It’s something completely different when another country decides they love your Focus and just have to have one… or actually 104,065! That desire for the Focus in China is what propelled it to the top selling car in the world for the first quarter of 2013!

   Ford’s plan for the Ford Focus has always been to build a car that is desirable all over the world, and the Focus has done just that. Sure you see the Focus all over your home town here in the United States, with good reason, because 21% of all Focus’ sold worldwide are bought and driven on American soil. What may surprise you is, 28% of Focus’ are sold in Europe, and 35% in China. That truly makes Focus a world car, and means Ford is doing what it can to help off-set the trade deficit!  

   Check out the Focus at ricartford.com, and call 866-471-3777 to set up a test drive to see for yourself why the whole world loves the Ford Focus!

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